If you think saying something smart is all you need to make your idea a reality, you will have a career filled with disappointment and frustration. You need help, money, permission and support and getting it isn’t easy.
Getting Things Done Series
In this post, I’ll talk about how to understand and accept your clients, stakeholders, teammates and executives as individuals.
We can’t make our clients or stakeholders be the people we want them to be. They don’t speak our language, they are motivated by other things and their experience is their own. Instead of getting frustrated we need to meet them where they are.
What seems weird and irrational to you might make lots of sense when you start to consider:
Motivation Jennifer Goldman-Wetzler says we have ideal, real and taboo values. Some values are easy to discover, others are hiding beneath the surface. Companies have the same types of values. Their mission statement may say one thing, but you’ll find other values drive decisions.
Constraints Barriers real or imagined exist in any organization. If you are new to the organization you may not understand what these are and how people are choosing which battles to fight.
Communication Social Psychologist Heidi Grant Halvorson‘s research shows how people interpret our words and action. She’s found stereotypes and past experience can create miscommunications. Give people the benefit of the doubt and work to correct miscommunications.